Yarn Sizing is the process of applying adhesive coating on the surface of yarn for better weaveability. This process is done after the completion of warping process. It is one the most important process to achieve optimum weaving proficiency for each and every type of yarn. The objective of sizing, however, sizing cannot be looked upon as a process that improves the basic quality of yarn. A properly sized yarn should have adequate improvement in abrasion resistance, indirectly indicated by the increase in tensile strength, minimum loss of extensibility and required amount of moisture.
Due to application of sizing materials upon the yarn surface, following characteristics of yarn have changed-
1. Increasing strength of yarn
2. Increasing yarn elasticity
3. Increasing frictional resistance of yarn,
4. Increasing smoothness of yarn
5. To control protruding fibers & hairiness of yarn
6. Increasing weight of yarn.
Objects of Sizing:
There are some key purposes of sizing process which are presented in the below:
1. This process is used to maintain required quality fabric.
2. This process is used to achieve the best weaveability of warp yarn.
3. It is used to increase yarn strength.
4. It is used to increase the breaking strength or tensile strength.
5. It is also used to protect the yarn from abrasion.
6. It is used to increase elasticity of warp yarn.
7. It is used to increase smoothness of warp yarn.
8. It is used to remove the protruding fibres from the yarn surface.
9. It is used to reduce the hairiness of warp yarn.
10. In case of blended or synthetic yarn, this process is used to reduce electrostatic formation in yarn.
11. This process is used to reduce the weakness of warp yarn.
This app gives you a recipes for Textile Yarn Sizing which is cost effective. A set of Input had to be fed by the user i.e., Count, Yarn type, Total Ends, Loom type and Loom speed and it will give the output of Water level, Proportion of sizing product, Percentage of RF, Viscosity SITRA 6MM Hole Cup 60ml Quality of Size mix (in Seconds) and Percentage of Beam Pickup. It also offers the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for yarn sizing conditions based on different variable parameters.